Tuesday, March 9, 2021



Header Image Description: Image is of a rectangular stylized tombstone inscribed with the words "Killed by Ableism, Poverty, & Systemic Oppression", surrounded by a black background.

Let us be clear: If Bill C-7 comes to fruition, disabled people will die unnecessarily while being denied the supports they need to live.

Although Canada has signed onto the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, it has not implemented the convention’s most basic protections and provisions.

Canada has consistently failed in providing disabled people dignified access to housing, healthcare, and financial security, as well as freedom from segregation, discrimination, abuse, poverty, and violence.

For years our basic rights have been the subject of political debate, our plights weaponized for political gain. We have yet to see any substantial action to improve our quality of life: our “choice” to die is not a real choice without the supports needed to live.

Enough is enough.

Please join us in participating in a virtual Die-In held via social media to protest Bill C-7.

How to participate:

  1. Click on one of these tombstone image creators:





  1. Create a picture of a tombstone with your disabilities that would qualify you for MAiD, the systems that kill disabled people, or whatever else you would like to say.


 “Killed for being Autistic, having Ehlers Danlos syndrome, POTS, & CPTSD.”
“Killed by white supremacy, systemic ableism, and forced poverty.”

Whatever feels right for you is what you should use, it’s your tombstone.

  1. Upload your images to your social media using hashtags:

    Tag us at @BillC7DieIn so we can share it too!

    Don't forget to tag your MP (can be found here: https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/search), party leaders, and the minister for disability inclusion @CQualtro as well!

  1. To participate anonymously, please message one of our social media accounts and we will post your content for you.



Follow Us on Social Media:


Learn more about other efforts to #KillBillC7: 

Sign the petition

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